Nurses use our Nurse Lifts in hospitals and nursing homes to sit up, stand up, and transfer post-op patients to walkers and wheelchairs. However, patient independence is the goal, and the patient is encouraged to use the Lift by themselves as soon as possible. The Lift also reduces pain to the patient’s surgical site when lifting and lowering and helps the patient to walk sooner rather than later. Nurse Lift addresses the “Handle with Care” policy endorsed by the ANA – American Nurses Association.
Certified Lab Tests were done using the new Nurse Lift to lift a 200 lb. person with a nurse using only 20 lbs. of lifting effort on an IMADA Force Gauge. This test represents an 10:1 lifting advantage ratio or 90% less weight to lift by simply using the mechanical advantage of leverage. Keep in mind the 200 lb person is only an example, Nurse Lift can lift as much as 400 lbs. If two Lifts are used, you can exceed the 400 lb limit. In hospitals, our Patient Lifts are readily available to the nurses by being clipped to the wall, with one in each room, and are proven to withstand repeated use on a daily basis. Just as IV stands are in each room, so are Nurse Lift’s in each room, which makes it easy for the nurses to grab one when a patient needs mobility assistance. Recently, one of the hospitals that has Nurse Lifts in each room was inspected by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Organizations JCAHO. The physician surveyor and his team used the Lift and were all impressed by how easy it was to use and by its accessibility for the staff. Nurse Lift is truly an affordable proactive approach to address the problems related to lift injuries incurred by hospital and home healthcare nurses and caregivers when lifting, lowering, and transferring patients.