The Advantage of Leverage
The Lift uses the mechanical advantage of 10:1 leverage in the assisted mode to make lifting easy for the nurse or home caregiver. With the Lift in the unassisted mode, the patient has the advantage of being able to use their arms to transfer weight to the Lift thereby using less effort to lift and lower themselves as they place a portion of their weight on Gimme a Lift®.
Pain Reduction
The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organization’s (JCAHO) pain management policy assesses hospital patient’s pain on a scale from 1-10, with 10 being the worst. When using the Lift, ambulatory patients stated that their suture site pain level was greatly reduced from a high of 8 or 9 to a low of 2 or 3. Nurse Lift & Gimme a Lift® has been awarded U.S. and a Canadian Patents for being unique and useful. Always read the complete instructions before use.
TO SEE PICTURES OF HOW THE LIFT CAN HELP YOU, Click on ‘Hospitals’ at the top of the page
Copyright 2000-2017 Gimme a Lift®, All Rights Reserved. U.S. and Canadian Patents, and other Patents Pending.
Gimme a Lift® has been awarded U.S. Patents and a Canadian Patent for being unique and useful.